The First Step is Confirmation
Signs of Pregnancy:
Here are some signs that you could be pregnant.
- Missed period
- Tender and swollen breasts
- Nausea, with or without vomiting
- Increased urination
Fatigue (tiredness)
Other possible symptoms include…
- Light spotting (implantation bleeding)
- Cramping
- Moodiness
- Bloating

Do you think you might be pregnant?
Depending on your situation, that thought may bring on joy or sudden panic. Whatever your circumstance may be, we are here for you.
Here at Foothills Care Center, we provide Free, Confidential, Medical Grade Pregnancy Tests and Ultrasounds to confirm if you are pregnant, how far along you are, and if your pregnancy is viable (a live pregnancy in your uterus). Reach out to us to schedule your intake appointment, or walk in during open hours, and we will give you a medical pregnancy test and counseling – all confidential, all free.
You’re not alone. We’re here to help!